Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Apricot Puree For Dysphagia Patients

A lot of studies told us that intake of fruits is very healthy for our body. It strengthens our immune system and provides us with quick energy and a range of other health benefits. So, in this way it’s really a good idea to include the consumption of fruits and fruit juices in our diet. You can eat or take the fruit in juice form, irrespective of how you consume, they will provide you a great deal of nutrients which your body requires.

Apricots are known to provide our body with loads of vitamins. Some of the vitamins comprise vitamin A, B12, C, B3, and more. Vitamin A is known to protect eyesight. Further, apricots are loaded with carotenoids, a nutrient which can preserve our eyesight for a long period of time. So, in this way, if you want to make your eyesight 20/20, and reduce risk of vision loss because of aging, consume apricot juice in your daily diet.

Further, apricots are greatly prescribed by a lot of renowned doctors around the world for pregnant women. Why? Because apricots are rich in calcium and which is one of the significant ingredients for pregnant women. Not to mention, calcium assists in the development of the bones of the unborn over and above makes the pregnant woman’s bones stronger. Apart from calcium, this fruit consists of loads of iron. Iron helps in the development of the fetus and reduces the risk of anemia in mothers. Iron also helps in red blood cell formation.

People suffering from heart-related problems should drink apricot juice. Seeing that this fruit consists of potassium carbonate, cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeats) patients can benefit a lot from it.
Potassium carbonates assists in fighting this fatal disease, and even though it’s not a cure, apricot can assist lower its effects.

Apricot can moreover assist stabilize excess acidity in the stomach, hence, it can assist eliminate numerous stomach acidity symptoms comprising flatulence, bacteria unevennesses, and more. Another benefit of having this fruit is that it can assist alleviate pain which is rooted by particular digestive problems.

Furthermore, apart from vitamin, minerals and potassium carbonate, it has a large amount of fiber, which regulates bowel movements and greatly helps with constipation.

Apricot puree is great for dysphagia patients as it filled with nutritional goodies. Dysphagia patients usually face unwanted weight loss because of difficulty swallowing and fear of eating. In such case their body needs something nutritious which is easy to swallow.

Hence, doctors typically recommend them apricot puree healthy diet. You can buy them online.

Related Post: Difficulty Swallowing Food: Dysphagia Patient 
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                         Dysphagia Diet Levels And Level 4 Pureed Diet 

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Dysphagia Diet Levels & Texture Modified Foods Explained

Dysphagia is the medical term while looking up problems in swallowing and is attributable to strokes and concerned illnesses & harms in the CNS system. Nevertheless a small issue which could be effortlessly remedied, dysphagia might, many times, employ grave proportions with critical outcomes. Pill forms of medication are tough for patients suffering from dysphagia to swallow; hence liquid medications are utilized in replacement to solve this issue.

To continuously make sure the administration of right usage, all liquid medicines are available with specific measuring spoons. Because usual teaspoons aren’t of usual sizes, it was discovered during a latest study that the dosage can differ vastly when the exclusive spoon equipped with the medication wasn’t used. In case you are having problem utilizing the spoon which are available with your medication, request your pharmacist for a medication cup or oral syringe so as to gauge your dosage as precisely as feasible.

It is essential for liquid formulations to be created a little another way than tablets in order that patients get the adequate dosage w/o the requirement to take big amounts of liquid. It should also comprise ingredients which cover the flavor of the drug that often is bitter and bad tasting. The usual dosage for kids is typically not over 5 ml, nevertheless adults would typically have to take the medicine in a bigger dose. The medicine is available in a syrup solution & has sweeteners as well as other flavors which conceal the otherwise awful taste of the medicine; these kinds of medicines are typically thicker, like thick liquid isn’t as susceptible to spill out or by chance inhaled. Nevertheless, it may have extra ingredients which ensure the medication remains in the fluid in order the medication would function adequately.

Medication should be stored adequately and securely. It is necessary which dosage & timing instructions are chased narrowly & that any spare medication is taken to a pharmacy for adequate outlook.

The action of swallowing is pretty intricate since it is lead by a reflex neurological act which is run by the brain. It comprises the action of masticating food unless it makes a tiny, soft ball or food known as a bolus. The bolus should then be drove into the oesophagus, otherwise known as food pipe, and into the stomach. Everything takes place when the body, simultaneously, impedes eatables from entering into the wind pipe & eventually lungs. The complete act of swallowing is run by various places in the brain & in case any one of these places is malfunctioning, for instance by a stroke, this could lead to dysphagia.

There are a lot of medical states which can bring about the sufferer to confront problem swallowing. So as to build an adequate treatment plan which would function, it is tough to locate why the patient has built this issue. Stroke dysphagia is the most general culprit. Liquid medicines & texture modified foods have lessened post stroke issues in many of the patients. IDDSI classified foods into 7 diet levels, often known as dysphagia diet levels.

Nevertheless the majority of cases of swallowing problems could be improved by exercises, there do present a few chronic cases which call for feeding tubes.

When the dysphagia turns out so excruciating that the person is not be capable to swallow liquid medicine or food, then it is time for either a temporary, or possibly permanent, feeding tube which would require to be put in. When other treatments stop working, this is an ultimate solution. Before getting to this stage, the lessening of the quantity of food or entirely liquefying the food could all be an advantageous aid to swallowing. As taking stress could worsen the problems, it is a fine idea for the patient to be as compose as feasible.

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